January 13: panic attack again. strange calls at 4:56 am, 5:23 am, 6:01 am, and 16:39 pm. The calls seemed to contain only an interference sound.
January 18: I got the contact of a well-known traveler who knows everyone. He gave me the onion email of his friend's friend, who gave me some coordinates to find us to deliver the documents to me. I won't provide the coordinates but it was an abandoned aluminum can factory near the edge of town.
January 19: sleepless night reading the documents over and over again. I noticed that all the documents on the hard drive (except four) were encrypted. According to my hypothesis, it is encrypted with Vigenere code, and then encoded again in some other computer code language.
January 21: Today
January 21
Just call me Apollo, I cannot present my real name for personal security reasons. Since Astatine passed away I have been talking to many people, some gave me valuable information, others are obstacles in my path to finding it. To give further context, I am originally from a small town on the shores of Baja California in Mexico, although I now live in New Mexico. Or rather I lived there since now I am constantly moving places. I never knew my father, and my mother passed away a long time ago. I have known Astatine since we were children, since I was 15 or maybe 16. I don't remember him very well. I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia since I am a war veteran, which really screwed me up. brain and well I didn't have a very nice childhood either. children are really cruel when you come from a foreign family, although my father was a black American and my mother was Mexican. I was a lieutenant colonel in the New Mexico Marines, and received a medal of honor for my performance in the Afghanistan war in Kabul for some years. Despite suffering from schizophrenia, I am medicated and completely sane as long as I continue my treatment. Due to my military participation and unfortunately I have lost total sensitivity and empathy to life, I was involved in horrible immense massacres which left me affected for life. but I'm not a bad person. I believe there is evil and I don't agree with it. Now you know the context, thanks to the contacts I had left from the army, I was able to locate certain documents about the disappearance of Astatine, most of these are encrypted and I am still working on their decoding. If you have any information that will help me find the bastard who murdered Astatine, an innocent woman who was just doing her job, I ask you to please share it here. Apollo out, I'll keep you updated.