July #2

July 08: I've been too depressed these days, I feel completely empty, it's like I have no feelings but I still feel bad. I only think about Astatine. Now I know that they killed her with a .22 caliber ruger, and the idea that they did so much damage to poor astatine bothers me. She never hurt anyone. My schizophrenia is coming back since I have forgotten to take my medications, I feel like a shadow is following me and I can't sleep because I have a horrible fear, I'm not a pussy I just don't understand this reality

July 09: I used my 3 sleepless nights to try to decrypt the encrypted files on the radio bastard's hard drive. I got an address of a supposed laboratory hidden underground in the center of the city where "documents of social organization" (I have no idea what this means) and supposed private documents of mafias, government groups and the richest families are stored. of the world. I also found something that I still don't understand very well, I don't understand if it is a metaphor or some fictional comment, I'm still working on understanding it.

July 15: My head hurts since last night, I couldn't sleep last night again, I feel stupid and very weak. I was reading non-stop about something called quantum computers and how they work, basically they are super computers with extremely powerful capacity, and in another of the encrypted files located in the folder that is named a series of numbers, it talks about an experimental project of transcendental human advancement using a functional brain of a deceased human being and making it immortal by converting its memories, neurofunctional process, and cognitive process into mathematically perfect code to then be placed in a super quantum computer with a technology that emulates an artificial intelligence but with the potential human and giving him access to the entire internet since it began, absolutely ALL the information that is accumulated on the internet. This shit turns the human brain into a machine that knows everything, I don't know if this is real or not I'm very confused and I need to sleep, I looked for my old dealer again after 10 years, the guy is still working and it seems like he's crazy, I told him that I want to buy opium so I can sleep and relax, I know it is not good for my health but at this point I just want to sleep, my life does not seem relevant to me to exist and I am no longer afraid of killing. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, I swear astatine

July 16: It's 8:09 in the afternoon, I was finally able to sleep and I slept a lot. I feel fresher but even more depressed because of the opium low, and I heard voices while I was eating a while ago, it's been a long time since that happened to me, what the hell. I hate having schizophrenia. I have been rereading the files that I decrypted over and over again, and I have the exact coordinates of the supposed part of the laboratory where the first functional result of the project that I mentioned before about human artificial intelligence in quantum computers is located. In another of the text files everything is written in Russian, after using the translator the translation says something like: The main system is in a room the size of a hangar but underground and with the walls full of the most powerful parts of a quantum computer that ever existed, I've been thinking too much about this because it sounds like a fucking movie and I still don't believe it but at this point the world is already a joke to me. I am planning to infiltrate the laboratory and try to get information. According to what I investigated, I cannot carry weapons because of the metal detector at each door, and the security of the facilities is safer than anywhere else. So I'll have to figure out some way to get to the place without getting killed. I'm going to ask my chemist friend Carlos, I'm sure the guy knows something about this, the guy is an elderly man and has been one of the best at his job his whole life, I'm almost sure he can help me. Apollo out.