Rest in peace Astatine, you will always be part of me. of my mind, of my memory and of my heart. I'll miss you forever, and I will do everything to find the culprit. I will constantly update every detail that I discover on this page:
Today I had to go make a report about a missing woman in a hospital, the detective I'm working with doesn't really appreciate journalistic work (but the pay is very good), all the lights failed and it looked like a horror movie. The friend I was going with gave me the idea of making a short film for my old photography project using videos from the hospital but now I have too much work. Shit I really miss the old days smh
moviee recommendatiOn!!:3 ♡♡♡…
Okay so yesterday like at 2 am or whatever I was listening 2 music and reading like usuallyy xD and I was getting bored of just reading and writing journalism stuff everynight u know? a Grl like me (SUPER HOT and smart asf!! ¬_¬) needs to have sum fUnN!!! LOL so I was looking 4 a kool movie 2 watch and found a Harmony Korine film named "Trash Humpers" n I said "isn't this the guy who made that film with the bunny KiD :O" so I bet it was a good movie and I watched it at the moment N guess wht?¿¡¡ it was in fakt SOO GOOD (i am never wrong Lol xD) ITS SO PUNKK i loved it, its like a funny tape u would do with yr friends with sum acid on yr braiN LOL just doing crazy ShIT. I luv it so that`s why I now recommend it to Uall Babieees! Astatine out!
i'ts my brrd-dayy bitches!!!…
So tOday im a b-day ^-^ grl so Janis and Tina cooked me a Cherry & vanilla cake (my favorite)!! omg x.X THEY'RE SO FCKKIN CUTE!! My music class friends of college sang me one of my favorite songs 4 my bday 2day on skool xD OMG and later tonight my seeeecret lovr will take me to a fancy restaurant!! Astatineee out bitches! PEACE
I've been receiving very weird sms. I dont like this kinda jokes so whoever doing this shit please stop
I've been working ALOT Im sooo tired now (i'ts 3:37 am) but before i sleep heres some of the research documents I've been doing just for UUU!!! ;)